Exxon Mobil Corporation’s (NYSE:XOM) Latest Developments
Denver, CO, 07/29/2013 (Avauncer.com) –Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) (Closed: $94.79, Down: 0.19%), along with other energy giants, has begun the field work as a part of the front end engineering design of Alaska South Central LNG project. The work is a part of the studies that are done in order to gather data related to the environment suitability and regulatory filings. The area under the project is along a pipeline route north of Livengood, which is approximately a length of 400 miles.
The company’s application has been affiliated by Canada’s National Energy Board (NEB) to proceed with the plan to build the LNG export plant at the site of British Columbia Coast. It has also been permitted to develop a gas liquefaction plant with an output capacity of 30 million tons per year.
Exxon Mobil is engaged in the production and export of Liquid Natural Gas in Papua New Guinea of.
On July 26, Exxon Mobil a ruling was brought forward by A U.S. appeals court for for polluting New York City’s groundwater with a toxic gasoline additive, and claimed $105 million as compensation for damages caused
The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a 2009 jury verdict with regards to Exxon Mobil contaminating water supply wells. Exxon Mobil appealed that that it was required to use the additive under the federal Clean Air Act, but its appeal was declined
Todd Spitler spokesman of Exxon Mobil said that “MTBE has not been used for seven years”. New York City alleged that Exxon used the chemical through the first half of the 2000s when the company’s scientists and engineers warned them of the harmful effects on the groundwater for drinking.
Attorney Victor Sher of law firm of Sher Leff said “What’s at issue here isn’t just the choice to use MTBE, it’s the failure to warn people and the failure to take the steps that … would have avoided or mitigated the environmental impacts of it,”