Posted April 2, 2013 by David H in Technology

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) close to its 52-week low- GOOG, XOM


Northern, WI 04/02/2013 (avauncer) - Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) (Current $436.58, Up by 1.85%). The stock opened the session at $441.90, touched a high of $443.70 and dropped as low as $427.74. The stock is trading nowhere near its 52-week high of $697.80. AAPL’s 52-week low is $419.0. The stock traded volume of 13.92 Million on April 1, 2013 lower than its average trading volume of 15.95 Million. APPL is sitting on a cash pile of $137 Billion. However, the company is not inclined to return this to its shareholders in the form of dividend or share repurchase. This makes the stock neither a growth stock nor an income stock. This in turn makes it difficult to convince investors in investing in AAPL. Further, a stock which reached a $1000-mark and is now hovering around $442 is not reason enough to buy the stock. The stock is selling cheap but it could get cheaper. Thus, there should be a legitimate reason for buying a cheap stock apart from its low price.

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) (Current $809.32, Up by 1.01%). The stock opened the trading session on April 1, 2013, at $795.01, touched a high of $802.25 and plummeted to $793.25 during the session. The stock traded 1.81 Million volumes during the session, lower than its average trading volume of 2.24 Million. Google is a dominant player in both the computer and mobile search engine market. Google is one of the leading internet companies; however, off late it has been struggling with get adapted to mobile world. Through its operating system, Android, the tech company has led the competition from the front yet a lot remains to be done.

Exxon Mobile Corporation (NYSE:XOM) (Steady at $90.74). The stock opened the trading session at $90.13 on April 1, 2013, dropped as low as $89.98, and touched a high of $90.99 during the session. The stock traded volumes of 9.42 Million, lower compared to its average trading volumes of 13.25 Million. The stock is hovering around its 52-weeks high of $92.50 and is trading way above its 52-weeks low of $75.67. On March 29, 2013, the company excavated its Arkansas’ site to find out the reason which caused the leak on the site.

David H

David H. Steinberg grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut, entered Yale at age 16, and earned his law degree from Duke University, where he served as editor-in-chief of the law review. After four years of entertainment law in Atlanta and New York, he abandoned his legal career to attend U.S.C.’s Peter Stark Producing Program. Steinberg broke out as a writer in 1999 with his teen comedy SLACKERS that ignited a bidding war for the script. The movie starred Devon Sawa, Jason Schwartzman, and model Jaime King and became an instant cult classic.